Our Theme this term is Once Upon A Time!

Class Teacher - Mrs Bull

Teaching Assistants- Mrs Saunders

Wednesday - Wellie Wednesday - please ensure your child has labelled wellies in school.

PE -Monday. Children with long hair will be required to wear a bobble and earrings will need to be removed or taped. PE kit - children to come dressed in joggers and a school PE top 

School Times - 08:40 - 11:40

Please accompany all children to the Nursery yard in plenty of time for the 08:40 start  - the roads around the school get quite congested in the morning, especially when it's raining. All children will be collected at the bottom gate just off Slade Road at 11:40. Please try to be on time as it can be quite distressing for the children if you are late. Thank you

**Please label all clothing**

Your child will need a labelled change of clothes to be kept in school.

Sound of the Week - Each Monday we will look at a new sound. We follow the Jolly Phonics Scheme of work. Please practise each sound with your child at home. You will find Jolly Phonics songs on the Jolly Phonics App.

Maths - We practise counting and recognising numbers to 0 to 5.

Children learn through play, in Limeslade we have lots of fun together, singing, listening to stories, news times, free play as well as working together. Children are expected to share, take turns and play kindly with each other.

Queries: if you would like clarification of anything or are unhappy with something, please come to see me so that we can figure out a way forward. I do not access Class Dojo whilst at school so please bear with me if I do not reply to messages straight away. 

Class Dojo - You should have access to Class Story and School Story. If you do not, please let me know so that this can be rectified. I will use both the message facility and Class Story to share information with you so please ensure that you check it regularly as it is our main form of communication. All important messages must be phoned through to the school office on 01792369826, many thanks. 

Allergies: we have pupils in the school and in our class with severe nut allergies. No products containing nuts must be brought into school in lunchboxes. Unfortunately, no birthday cakes are allowed to be brought into school since new guidelines were published regarding healthy schools and the ‘sharing’ aspect since the Covid-19 pandemic.