Rotherslade 24-25
Class Teacher - Mrs Fender
Teaching Assistants- AM - Mrs Hurley & Mrs Williams
PE - Thursday PM. Children can wear their kit to school.
Forest School - Thursday PM. Children to keep a pair of wellies in school. Please send a coat in and waterproof trousers if you have any. Children will go out in all weathers except extreme wind!
School Times 08:45 - 15:20. All children can be dropped off and collected from the gate to our garden.
School Dinners: All children in are eligible for free school dinners. You may wish to provide your own packed lunch - please make sure that all lunch boxes are named. On the days which you'd like your children to have a dinner you just need to ensure that your child knows they're having a dinner as these will be ordered along with the class register each morning. They will be told the different options and then they will choose what they'd like to eat.
**Please label all clothing**