Rotherslade 24-25

Class Teacher - Mrs Fender

Teaching Assistants- AM - Mrs Hurley & Mrs Williams 

PE - Thursday PM. Children can wear their kit to school.

Forest School - Thursday PM. Children to keep a pair of wellies in school. Please send a coat in and waterproof trousers if you have any. Children will go out in all weathers except extreme wind!

School Times 08:45 - 15:20.   All children can be dropped off and collected from the gate to our garden. 

School Dinners: All children in are eligible for free school dinners. You may wish to provide your own packed lunch - please make sure that all lunch boxes are named. On the days which you'd like your children to have a dinner you just need to ensure that your child knows they're having a dinner as these will be ordered along with the class register each morning. They will be told the different options and then they will choose what they'd like to eat. 

**Please label all clothing**

Class Dojo - You should have access to Class Story and School Story. If you do not, please let me know so that this can be rectified. I will use both the message facility and Class Story to share information with you so please ensure that you check it regularly as it is our main form of communication. All important messages must be phoned through to the school office on 01792 369826, many thanks. 

Allergies: we have pupils in the school and in our class with severe nut allergies. No products containing nuts must be brought into school in lunchboxes. Unfortunately, no birthday cakes are allowed to be brought into school since new guidelines were published regarding healthy schools and the ‘sharing’ aspect since the Covid-19 pandemic.