Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Supporting Pupils
We have a wide range of expertise in the school and all teachers are ALN Champions (NOT specialists)in a specific area. The teachers work closely to train and support each other in developing strategies to best support the children in the school.
Each class has an assigned teaching assistant (TA) who carries out support programmes during the school day. Some support will take place in-class and sometimes children are withdrawn from the class to ensure that it is easier for the children to concentrate and not become distracted by activities in the room.
Training takes place on a regular basis and covers a wide range of areas of additional needs.
Universal Provision
The documents on the left provide information about strategies we can call upon when teaching children with a range of needs. Any children who do not fall under the ALN umbrella may require support from Universal Provision and this means that we will support their needs using some of these strategies.
Support programmes are devised for individuals and groups and a range of assessments are carried out to make decisions about the best ways to support each child.
If you'd like more information about the best ways to support your child(ren), please speak to the class teacher or Mrs Ketcher-Murrell (ALNCo)
Changes to ALN from January 2022
This animation has been created by the Local Authority to explain the changes to ALN from January 2022.
The Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Wales (ALNET) Act 2018 is just one aspect of the overarching ALN Transformation Programme. At the heart of these reforms is a focus on inclusion; putting children and young people at the centre, and ensuring they are supported to reach their full potential.
The overarching aims of the Act are to create:
· a unified legislative framework to support children and young people aged 0-25 with ALN in schools and further education
· an integrated, collaborative process of assessment, planning and monitoring, which facilitates early, timely and effective interventions
· a fair and transparent system for providing information and advice, and for resolving concerns and appeals
The Welsh Government sets out a timeline for the implementation of the Act.
Please click on the documents below