Dosbarth Pwll Du
Croeso i ddosbarth Pwll Du! Welcome to Pwll Du's class' webpage!
Mr Wallace (Teacher),
Mr Morris (PPA Cover and TA),
Mrs Bull, Mrs Hawkins and Mrs J Gruneberg (TA)
Equipment - Your child will require:
•Black pens
•Red pen
•Green/blue/purple pen
Spellings - Given on a Friday for a test the following Friday. Flexibility in spelling groups which can be adjusted regularly/as necessary. Spellings will be on J2Spellblast. Spelling groups are open to frequent review, however, this is also dependent on the spelling within their work and not just in tests.
Reading - Children need their books every day. Children will read daily in class for 5-10 minutes at the start of every day. This gives me time throughout the week to personally read with each child. Some children will also read with our TA's several times throughout the week where this may be beneficial. Books will only be changed when children have read the book in school with an adult to ensure comprehension.
PE - The correct kit is required to be brought in on Tuesdays. Children with long hair will be required to wear a bobble and earrings will need to be removed or taped. PE kit comprises of black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms, a plain white/Newton logo t-shirt and trainers. Red and white striped Newton rugby shirts or a plain black jumper may be worn in colder months.
Maths - J2blast found on HWB can be used to work on times tables at home. The children should have some knowledge of this and we will be looking over it again in school.
Handwriting practice can be accessed here
· Homework – spellings, reading daily (can comment on Dojo, we will do the same), times tables. Readers will be sorted in the coming days/weeks
- Topmarks website or J2Blast through HWB to practise:
Class Dojo - Please don't hesitate to contact me through dojo with any queries. I will do my utmost respond to any messages before and after school within working hours 8.00 - 17.00.
You should have access now to class story and school story. There was a problem for some people accessing school story, though this should now have been fixed. Please let me know if you cannot and I can rectify this.
Allergies - We have pupils in the school with severe nut allergies. No products containing nuts must be brought into school in lunchboxes. Unfortunately, no birthday cakes are allowed to be brought into school since new guidelines were published regarding healthy schools and the ‘sharing’ aspect since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our Topic - 'Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds'
We will be splitting this topic into three parts. The human body, the mind and a healthy lifestyle. Mid term plans will be available on the website in the coming days although these are open to change depending on time and if our topic takes us elsewhere. Feel free to have a chat with your children about this subject at home. If there's anything they're desperate to learn about then please drop me a message!