Welcome to Three Cliffs!

Croeso i Three Cliffs!

Three Cliffs

Teacher: Mr Longland

TA: Miss Hawkins

Start time: 08:45           

End of the day: 15:20

Uniform - Children can wear smart black shoes and/or ALL black trainers to school.

Forest School -  This will be Monday mornings. The children will need to bring an old long sleeve top, a change of footwear (walking boots or wellies) and appropriate clothing for the weather.

P.E. - Children will need to wear their kit into school on the following days;

Wednesday - Circuits (trainers)

Friday - Rugby (trainers)

Spelling, Reading, Homework - For now children can focus on reading, times tables (tt Blast) and spelling (TT spelling or High frequency words).

Pencil Cases - Children need their own pencil case with Black pen, Pencil, Ruler, Rubber, Sharpener, red pen and green pen. I've got all these items in school though in limited number for those without. 

Allergies: we have pupils in the school and in our class with severe nut allergies. No products containing nuts must be brought into school in lunchboxes. Unfortunately, no birthday cakes are allowed to be brought into school since new guidelines were published regarding healthy schools and the ‘sharing’ aspect since the Covid-19 pandemic.

This term our Topic is "Healthy Me"!